Welcome to the ABC Christmas Challenge Blog

The aim of our challenge is to help us avoid the Christmas Stress and rush to have all your cards ready! Our monthly Challenges are themed, We hope you will join us and have at the very least have a few cards in time for Christmas Please Read the Rules, and remember that you can enter our challenges as many times as you like and combine your entries with as many challenges as you like too! Have fun!
Helen, Samantha and the Design team Xx

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

ABC Christmas Challenge, J and K are for...

Hi crafters, welcome to a brand new challenge at 
ABC Christmas Challenge.

It was fabulous seeing all your makes for the last challenge, and I hope you are able to join us for this challenge too. Don't forget to check below to see if you are Lynda/Loopyloo's lucky winner or a part of her top picks. 
 It's my (Dorte) turn to be the host this month and the themes are
J for Jewels
K for Kids
 I have a little prize for the winner.

And now its's time for some inspiration from the Design Team.
J is for Jewels

K is for Kids

J for Jewels

K for Kids

J for Jewels

K for Kids

J for Jewels

K for Kids

J for Jewels
J for Jewels

K for Kids

If you are on instagram please use the hashtag #abcchristmaschallenge

Please ensure that you have followed at least one of this month's themes ( J is for Jewels and/or K is for Kids ) before you add you link.
Any entries not following at least one of the themes will not be eligible for the prize draw.

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Winner and Top 3 for H and I


Hello everyone!

Lynda/Loopyloo here to announce the winner and top 3 of our last challenge.

There were many fabulous entries, and I so enjoyed looking through each post and seeing how each was created. Thank you so much for playing along with us, and I hope you join us for our new challenge beginning on the 5th May. 
Our theme this time was 'H' for Houses/Homes, and 'I' for Icicles.

The random winner of 2 packs of Christmas stamps is:

    #29 Caroline's Creaties

Congratulations. Please could you email us to claim your prizes?

The Top 3 are:

#7 Jeni Mc

#10 Jootje

#39 Chrissie

Congratulations everyone.
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