Welcome to the ABC Christmas Challenge Blog

The aim of our challenge is to help us avoid the Christmas Stress and rush to have all your cards ready! Our monthly Challenges are themed, We hope you will join us and have at the very least have a few cards in time for Christmas Please Read the Rules, and remember that you can enter our challenges as many times as you like and combine your entries with as many challenges as you like too! Have fun!
Helen, Samantha and the Design team Xx

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

ABC Christmas Challenge: P, Q and R

Welcome back to ABC Christmas Challenge! It's the first Wednesday in August, so we are back with a new set of letters for you. This month, we have three prompts - P for PLUMP (think robins, Santa, a nice round plum pudding...), Q for QUALITY STREET (yum, chocolate... or use the colours - see the photo below),  and R for RIBBON

As your hostess this month, I'm offering a fun little prize to one lucky random participant: 

Just before we start: we are still having a few people adding cards where the prompts aren't clearly followed. If you think your inspiration might not be immediately clear (this may be especially true for Q for Quality Street this month), please indicate how your card follows the prompt. Thank you!!!

And now, here is our talented Design Team with some inspiration for you! 

P is for Plump

Q is for Quality Street

R is for Ribbon

P for Plump (Robin, Father Christmas, Pudding)

 R for Ribbon

P for Plump

R for Ribbon


P for Plump

Q for Quality Street colours

P for Plump

Q for Quality Street - the big purple one!


P for Plump

P for Plump

Q for Quality Street

R for Ribbon

Aren't they all fantastic!
I cannot wait to see what you all make!!!
So now it's over to you...this challenge ends on Monday, August 30th at 1pm (BST).
Please link up your entries below.
We look forward to seeing what you create!

If you post your creation instagram please add the hashtag #abcchristmaschallenge.

Winner & Top 3 N is for North Pole and O is for Off to one side

 Good morning! 

It's Wilma here...I'm announcing the lucky winner and top three of last month's challenge. 

                             The themes were:

'N is for North Pole'


'O is for Off to one side'

This was the prize on offer for the lucky winner:


Top 3


Congratulations Everyone!

Please email us to claim your prizes.
Unclaimed prizes may be redrawn or worse still lost. 

You can find the page for grabbing your blinkie or banner
 at the top of our blog.

Don't forget to check back soon for another fun challenge!

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