Welcome to the ABC Christmas Challenge Blog

The aim of our challenge is to help us avoid the Christmas Stress and rush to have all your cards ready! Our monthly Challenges are themed, We hope you will join us and have at the very least have a few cards in time for Christmas Please Read the Rules, and remember that you can enter our challenges as many times as you like and combine your entries with as many challenges as you like too! Have fun!
Helen, Samantha and the Design team Xx

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

ABC Christmas Challenge - Y & Z are for?

It's Helen here with the final ABC Christmas Challenge of the year (!), but before I get on to this month's themes...don't forget to check the post below to see if you were a lucky winner of our last challenge!


Before we get on to this month's challenge, I have a couple of announcements.

Firstly, as many of you will know, this wonderful festive challenge of ours was the brainchild of Samantha, and after twelve years of inspiring us with her fabulous crafty projects, coming up with awesome challenge themes, supporting her fellow design team members, and generally being brilliant, she has decided that it's time to leave us. 

On behalf of the Design Team, I would like to say a BIG Thank You to Samantha for everything that she has done for us - we will all miss you terribly!

Secondly, our Design Team Call is still running on this month's challenge, so if you fancy joining our ABC Christmas Challenge family, read on...if not, don't worry, you can still enter this challenge as normal, but you might want to scroll past the DT call information. If you have already put yourself forwards on last month's challenge, no need to do it again...you're already on our list 😉 

DT Call Information

As a DT member, you would be required to make a Christmas Card/Project for each challenge (once a month), and comment on entries to the challenges - we have a rota, but you can comment or more if you wish! So the commenting is shared between us all :0)

We also take it in turns to post the challenges on this blog, and choose the 'Top 3' for the challenges we 'host'.

We are a very friendly and democratic team, and appreciate everyone's input into challenge themes, and have a DT blog, where we chat and share our ideas.

No previous design team experience necessary and we welcome crafters of all styles!

So, if you love crafting for Christmas as much as we do, and fancy joining our team, here's what you need to do:
  1. Make an item for this challenge.
  2. Add 'DT' after your name on the Inlinkz gadget
  3. That's it - GOOD LUCK!

The DT Call will end at the end of this month's challenge, so please don't be shy!

Now, back to this month's challenge.

This month we have two lovely themes for you:

'Y is for Yummy'
(show us some food)
'Z is for Zigzags'

The prize on offer for this challenge is selction of Christmas craft goodies:

And now it's time for some inspiration from our Design Team:

Y is for Yummy

Z is for Zigzags

Y is for Yummy

Z is for Zigzags

Y for Yummy - Cheese tree

Y for Yummy

Z for Zigzags

Z is for Zigzags

 Y is for Yummy


Y for Yummy

Z for Zigzags

So now it's over to you...this challenge ends on Friday 31st December at 1pm (GMT).
Please link up your entries below.
We look forward to seeing what you create!

Please ensure that you have followed at least one of this month's themes (Y is for Yummy & Z is for Zigzags) before you add your link.
Any entries not following at least one of the themes will not be eligible for the prize draw.

If you are on instagram please use the hashtag #abcchristmaschallenge

Winner and Top Picks - W for Whimsical and X for Xerox

Hello there. Lynda here - otherwise known as Loopyloo - with the random winner and Top Picks for last months challenge. 

The themes were:

W for Whimsical


X for Xerox

The prize for the challenge were the following two stamp sets:

 The lucky winner of the two stamp sets was:

#35 - Kathie

Please email us to claim your prize Kathie.
Unclaimed prizes may be redrawn or worse still lost. 

As there were so many fabulous entries, I decided to go with more winners. I have chosen a Top 10:

#29 - Toni

#59 - Chrissie

#71 - Gloria

#79 - Meghan

#89 - Darlene

#112 - Kath

#145 - Trina P.

#168 - FT Fit Kitty

#201 - Leslie T

#232 - Helen

Congratulations to everyone.....!

Please feel free to add your Top Pick badge from the banner at the top of our blog.

Don't forget to check back soon for another fun challenge!

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