Welcome to the ABC Christmas Challenge Blog

The aim of our challenge is to help us avoid the Christmas Stress and rush to have all your cards ready! Our monthly Challenges are themed, We hope you will join us and have at the very least have a few cards in time for Christmas Please Read the Rules, and remember that you can enter our challenges as many times as you like and combine your entries with as many challenges as you like too! Have fun!
Helen, Samantha and the Design team Xx

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

ABC Christmas Challenge -- W and/or X


Hello Christmas-loving friends!  

It's Marie hosting my first-ever challenge here at the ABC Christmas challenge!  Welcome back!

Many thanks to all who participated in last month's challenge -- don't forget to check the previous post to see if you're a lucky winner!

Well, we're almost to the end of the year, which means we are also near the end of the alphabet, and this month we are on W and X:

W for White
X for Xtra Special

I will be sending out a prize to the randomly picked winner...
You have until December 10th to enter!

Now, check out the fabulous makes from the Design Team for your inspiration:

W is for White

X is for Xtra Special

W is for White

X is for Xtra Special
W for (mainly) White

X for Xtra Special

W is for White

X is for Xtra Special

W is for White

With light behind it

W is for White

W is for White (space)

W is for White

If you are on 
Instagram, please use the hashtag #abcchristmaschallenge

Winner and Top 3 U and/or V


Hi, It's Wilma here ......

Thanks to everyone who played along last month, we had a lot of beautiful entries.  

So without further ado I'm announcing the lucky winner and top three of last month's challenge. 
The themes were:

U is for Unusual Christmas Colours


V is for Velvet

The lucky winner is:


Congratulations, Liz.

please send me an email here
and I will send you your price as soon as possible

Because there were so many entries I choose a Top 5

Congratulations to all of you.

You can find the page for grabbing your blinkie or banner at the top of our blog. 

And don't forget to play with our new challenge.

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